Monday, February 12, 2007

Week 9, #21

For this exercise, we discovered Podcasts. I had always thought that in order to use Podcasts, you needed an iPod. However, I found that podcasts are actually soundbytes that are uploaded by a variety of people for a bunch of different categories. I explored but I wasn't able to play any of the podcasts for some reason. I guess the computers at Rosegarden don't have the software for it. However, I was able to play the podcasts at Yahoo! Podcasts. I clicked around the music section and the entertainment section. I was able to listen to an episode of beats from the DNAE Beats Podcast. You are also able to subscribe to different podcasts and get updates of new episodes whenever they come out. There are hundreds and hundreds of categories and subcategories to explore. I also found another Podcast I liked under the Entertainment section at Yahoo! Podcasts. It was called Nobody Likes Onions. It was a sarcastic take on a newsshow. It actually reminded me of the online newspaper called The Onion.

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

Cool - I love The Onion!

You are almost done with the 23 things - good job! I hope you are enjoying your discoveries.